About Me

I am a professional software engineer with a wide range of experience in creating and supporting applications and the infrastructure they run on, using a variety of languages, frameworks, and technologies. I’ve had the opportunity to learn and grow in multiple sectors of the industry, including telecommunications, network security, video games, and social networking.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York. I now live in the sunny San Francisco Bay Area, in California, with my wonderful wife Angela and an adorable pair of cats named Skittle and Zero.

I have been using and promoting Linux and open source software since late 2003, and I am a firm believer in the merits of free/libre software in professional software. I contribute to various open source software projects, and I like to share my passion and excitement for free software whenever I get the chance.

In my free time, I’m an avid video game enthusiast, with a love for space, sci-fi settings, and open worlds with great narratives. Some of my all-time favorites include Mass Effect, Kerbal Space Program, X3, and Elite Dangerous. I’ve dabbled with creating games in the past, but have too much fun playing them to leave time for making them.